Sunday, March 23, 2014

Italian Renaissance

The Italian Renaissance was a period of great culture and acheivment that began in Florence. The word Renaissance means "rebirth" and was best known for their renewed interest in the classical culture and cultural acheivments. The revival of the classical orders can be seen when looking at the Palazzo Rucellai. The pilasters follow the classical orders with Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian capitals.
In this image you can see that each floors capital has a different order. The first being Doric, the second being Ionic and the upper floor being Corinthian. I found this to be pretty interesting because the architecture brought all of the classical orders together in one building.

The furniture of this time period was mainly made out of wood, mostly walnut, and was usually very rich in style. Large chests were highly desired and a common feature in a lot of homes. One thing I found interesting was that even thought they were very expensive, they were bought by nearly all of the social classes. Wealthier people had more elaborate ones and even though these were made to put things inside of them, a lot were used simply for decoration.

I like these photos a lot because you can see how detailed and elaborate these chests were.

Current applications:


I really enjoyed reading Sammy's blog. She talked about how during the this period people were a lot more focused on interiors and how their homes actually looked rather than just being safe and I think she showed some really good examples of that. I also thought John's blog was very informative and I liked how he focused a lot on the people of this period. People who played a big role and were very influential to the culture. He brought up "earth changing inventions" when he mentioned the invention of the printing press which was something that was verying important to this time and was groundbreaking. 


I chose to post this video because it sort of summarizes the renaissance and points out key aspects which I think is really cool.

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